That doesn't mean it's the right thing to do, though. Let's take a look at these reasons we too often avoid the Nice Guy and decide if it's really worth it to keep chasing the Bad Boys.
(Hint: it's not.)
1. It's hard for some of us to trust a Nice Guy. Not because they're not trustworthy -- in fact, it's quite the opposite. The more trustworthy a guy seems, the harder it may be for a woman to actually believe that they're as good as they seem. See, women get kind of jaded about the whole Nice Guy thing (after dating too many jerks), which means that it takes time for a woman to trust that a Nice Guy is, well, actually for reals.
2. Bad Boys care about themselves -- a lot -- and it makes us think they care about us. That's not a great thing in a relationship; however, it means that while the Nice Guy will bide his time, waiting for the right moment to ask a girl out, the Bad Boy will swoop in and tell her what he wants -- her. Not something that lends to real relationship material, but certainly makes it easier to decode what it is, exactly, he wants.
3. Nice Guys have their shit together. Bad Boys don't. Women like a challenge. A fixer-upper of a partner. While a Nice Guy has his bank accounts and steady job, a Bad Boy presents a challenge. And some women, well, they like a challenge.
4. Some women are afraid of intimacy. The one thing the Bad Boy rarely does is want to become intimate. If a woman is already gun-shy about commitment, she's met her mate in the Bad Boy who has no illusions of becoming marriage or long-term relationship material.
5. Some women suffer low self-esteem. Women who don't feel very good about themselves may not be able to handle the Nice Guy that treats her well. The Bad Boy, however, may treat her in the way she treats herself -- badly.
So women, get your heads on straight and get your priorities in check. Nice Guys, well, they're the way to go.
What do you think? Do you buy into the whole Bad Boy idea?
Written by Aunt Becky on CafeMom's blog, The Stir.