Demi Moore’s attraction to both men and women ruins her marriage to Ashton Kutcher

Most people weren't shocked American actress

Demi Moore announced that she'll be divorcing

husband Ashton Kutcher, what surprised most

people was the reason behind the breakup.

Lisa Ludkiv reports.

Ashton, 33, was exposed by Star magazine for

cheating on Demi, 49, and the world went after

him for cheating on such a devoting wife. What

people didn't know was how the girl Ashton

cheated with came into the equation.

Demi is bisexual (loves to have sex with both men and women) and when Ashton learned that, it was fine with him, as Demi arranged for both of them to have sex with different girls.

Along the line, young Ashton and one of the other girls (young, too) started doing it on the side leaving old Demi in the dark.

So when Ashton's affair was exposed, Demi

couldn't handle the fact that her husband and

one of their sex partners were having sex without her as usual. So she decided to pull the plug on the marriage.

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