relationship corner

Love is a complicated emotion and the relationships we base on this emotion have no guide lines. However, there are certain things people need to take note of when it comes to starting or ending a relationship.
Realism is a hard human attribute mainly because we're subjective in our assessment of issues and also beset by our emotions (our real problem). Emotions disrupt our thinking and make us take rash decisions.
Before embarking on a relationship, you must have a plan. Defining a relationship is key to the essence of the union. You must decide if the relationship is platonic, casual, sexual or futuristic. This will prevent unnecessary heartbreaks and other future problems.
Now, everything that has a beginning must surely have an end – no matter how promising. However, ending a relationship is a critical issue because it can mar or make you. Before you end a relationship, consider the consequences and always think about your partner. This will help you put things in perspective.
I've heard several break up phrases like "we're not compatible", "we need to go our separate ways". These phrases are usual precursors to a break up and I why people come up with such phrases.
When breaking up with your partner don't  play the "religion card", the "tribal card", the "parental card' and the "Spiritual or God card".
Before you started dating your partner, you obviously knew his/her religion. It makes me wonder why people now hide under this cover to break up. The parental card and tribal card usually go hand in hand. Why waste the time of an individual when you know your parents don't approve of him/her. Why date someone from a tribe you know your parents wouldn't approve. Before you take your relationship to the next level, consider all these factors.


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